Facilities Access
- 4Play - Service and Fiber
- 4Play - CATV Network Client
- ADSL and Fiber (home and business)
- Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Service Analog / ISDN
- Marketing and Maintenance of all type of PABX
Telecommunication Networks
- Construction / design and maintenance of fiber optic networks (MM, SM) all kinds (have title registration in telecommunications)
- FTTH (Fiber to the Home), FTTX
- Construction and maintenance of infrastructure (Copper and Fiber Cable)
- Certified Fiber Optic Networks and Structured Networks;
- Installation and maintenance of computer networks (structured networks, copper and fiber)
- ITED and ITUR;
- Voip Technology
- Construction and Maintenance LAN (RAL and RAD) - Air and Groundwater - (ORAL AND ORAC)
- Switching
- Routing
- Pressurization cable (preventive and corrective maintenance);
- Construction and maintenance of infrastructure (Copper and Fiber Cable)
- CATV-networks (Primary and Secondary)
Public Payphones
- Preventive and corrective maintenance
- Installation of new jobs
- Cleaning Services
- Collection of Safes